Now you can send your favorite Fortnite Stickers to your friends via WhatsApp Messenger.
Express yourself with hundreds of Awesome Fortnite Stickers that are always up to date.
This WAStickerApps is the best WhatsApp sticker pack app for Fortnite stickers. Fortnite skins, dances, emotes, and cool logos all in the form of stickers in WhatsApp.
Sticker Packs:
-- Battle Royale Dance
-- Battle Royale Emoji
-- Battle Royale characters
-- Battle Royale Gliders & Contrails
-- Battle Royale Miscellaneous Items
Download this stickers app for WhatsApp (WAStickerApps) and have lots of fun.
We keep on adding new stickers and packs and updating regularly!
现在,您可以通过WhatsApp Messenger将您喜爱的Fortnite Stickers发送给您的朋友。
用数以百计的Awesome Fortnite贴纸表达自己,这些贴纸始终是最新的。
这个WAStickerApps是Fortnite贴纸最好的WhatsApp贴纸包应用程序。 Forttsite皮肤,舞蹈,表情和酷标志都以WhatsApp中的贴纸形式出现。
- 大逃杀之战
- Battle Royale Emoji
- 大逃杀角色
- Battle Royale Gliders&Contrails
- 大逃杀杂项